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Thanks for joining my advanced workshop at the Artzt Neuro Innovation Day. Below you will find the sequence of tests and exercises that we did. Best viewed on a web browser :)


Test the movement

Test whatever exercise you like, careful if it is painful. Test both sides to see which side needs more to be improved. 


Cerebellum Tests

Perform the relevant cerebellum tests for either the upper or lower extremities, dysdiadochokinesia or rapid alternating movements.


Reflexive Stability Test

In addition you can do a reflexive stability test such as sharpened rombergs.


Muscle Tests

Determine which muscles are involved in the movement or could be sub optimally functioning. Perform muscle tests for the relevant muscles. You can additionally check their contractile abilities by asking the athlete to voluntarily bring the muscle into contraction and palpating the muscle. 


Peripheral Nerve Stretch

Test of stretching the relevant peripheral nerves helps. 


Peripheral Nerve Slacking

Should stretching not be effective, you can try slacking the nerve. 


Cortico Olivo Cerebellar Tract

Perform a rhythmic movement on the side you want to improve function


Cortico-Ponto Cerebellar Tract

Perform an exercise that requires increased accuracy (finer target) or has an element of error correction (perturbation, moving target).


Cranial Nerve Stacks

Perform exercises that activate the relevant cranial nerves before performing exercises from 07 and 08. 


The Cortico-Ponto Cerebellar exercises can be combined with cranial nerves 4 to 8. For an easy started you can try smiling on side with less expression. 


The Cortico-Olivo Cerebellar exercises can be combined with cranial nerves 9 to 12. For an easy start you can try tongue circles and humming.



Lastly, you can integrate effective elements from 07 to 09 into your strength training exercises. If you are interested in more KRAFTLETICS exercises or our coaches' education please click below.

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